Within the frame of the Executive Committee meeting, W&DW will meet with DGJ – Directors Guild of Japan – with the support of the Japanese Society of Authors, Composers and Editors' Rights – JASRAC – and FESAAL – Federation of Latin American Audiovisual Authors Societies.
With the purpose of collaborating in the defence of authors ´rights of Japanese Audiosivual Authors – and strengthening the already created Asia-Pacific Alliance, W&DW Executive Committee presided by Yves Nilly (SACD France) and their Vice President Andrea Purgatori (SIAE Italy) together with their joining members: Malgorzata Semil (ZAIKS Poland) ; Horacio Maldonado (DAC Argentina, FESAAL Latin America;) Jacek Bromski (ZAPA Poland); Danilo Serbedzija (DHFR Croatia); Klemen Dvornik (AIPA Slovenia); Gilles Cayatte (SCAM France); Miguel Ángel Diani (ARGENTORES Argentina, FESAAL Latin America) and Laza (APASER Pan- Africa) will gather on May 27th. With the authors representing DGJ – Directors Guild of Japan (Society of Japanese Directors) with the support of the Japanese Society of Authors, Composers and Editors ´Rights– JASRAC – and FESAAL – Federation of Latin American Audiovisual Authors Societies.
The collaboration and support of the Alliances that work together with W&DW is the fundamental tool to continue with the strengthening of the existing Asia-Pacific Alliance which will gather, within this meeting, the main countries which conform it – meeting which, without a doubt, will be of major importance to Japanese Audiovisual Authors.
W&DW counts with vast experience acquired along the years, having collaborated with Audiovisual Authors and the societies which represent them, in the cities of Beijing (witness city of the Asia-Pacific Alliance) and in the city of Argel, Argelia, collaborating and founding the Pan African Alliance APASER, together with their President, Screenwriter and Director Laza Rajavanato. This past April, W&DW was present in the city of Moscow, Russian Federation, in the Annual Congress, with the presence of a rich number of Russian Authors, Directors and Screenwriters, where, supported by local entities and the Culture Commission, journeys of collaboration were held, for the formation of their own management society.
Through all these actions, W&DW and the different alliances which collaborate with the organization, sign cooperation agreements which not only reassure its principal objective which is the defence of Audiovisual Authors ´rights, but also strengthens the ties among creators in every territory.