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The Chilean Supreme Court of Justice rules in favor of ATN audiovisual authors

On this past September 11th. the highest court of the country ruled against the claim open TV channels had presented, gathered together in the National Television Association (ANATEL)

The Supreme Court of Justice has confirmed the rule dictated last year by the Court of Defence for Free Competition (TDLC), rejecting definitely the claim interposed by ANATEL, which aimed to modify the Intellectual Property Law in favour of users, and to decrease the power of Collective Management Entities regarding the setting of rates.

This is a very relevant ruling, as it confirms the actual system which contemplates the law about Intellectual Property regarding the norms for setting rates in Collective Management Entities, and the mechanism of solution of controversies which the law acknowledges.

ATN – Society of Audiovisual Directors, Screenwriters and Playwrights – took an active part during all the process, presenting it first before TDLC and then to the Supreme Court, with which this triumph fills us with pride and satisfaction.

On the other hand, this ruling will be useful to reinforce our arguments through the negotiations we are currently holding, and during the trials against open television channels: Channel 13 and Mega.


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